Grateful Friday

A little bit of perspective is a good thing, right?

I'm grateful this morning for the sun shining through my bedroom window.

I'm grateful for the good morning kiss from my hubby and for the opportunity to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary this weekend.

I'm grateful for the most awesome-est, incredible, loyal, faithful friends anyone could have.

I'm grateful for medicine that helps those of us with serious asthma to breath - and not die. I'm thankful for rescue inhalers.

I'm grateful to not be bound by religious legalism and self-righteous motivation - it ultimately hurts others.

I'm humbly grateful that I don't have to live up to someone else's expectations of who or what I should be, or that I have to remain in an abusive or manipulative situation against my will. I'm so very glad that I do not have to compromise my beliefs for others or that I'm in a situation where I cannot glorify HaShem. I am so very grateful for 'religious' freedom.

I'm grateful for innocent addictions like computers and chocolate. There are worse things to be addicted to.

I'm grateful for conversations with dear friends.

I'm grateful for hugs from Rebecca - who happens to be the best hugger on the planet. Her kids aren't too shabby, either. *smile*

I'm grateful for the opportunity to pray for others.

I'm grateful for online book sellers.

I'm grateful for the sharing of good thoughts, wisdom and humor.

I'm grateful to know women such as this...quite a few of them, actually.

I'm grateful for late night phone calls.

I'm grateful for shared memories with beautiful souls, and music and memories that connect us all.

I'm grateful I don't have hair like Albert Einstein.

I'm grateful for the happy laughter of my Taylor.

I'm grateful for most excellent and inexpensive photo processing at Costco, and the happy people that work there that recognize me.

I'm grateful for my friendship with the best Old Ben ever.

I'm grateful for my bestie-admin. She rocks! (Someone needs to keep me in line!)

I'm grateful for times of refreshing.

I'm grateful for Scripture - I think I found my life-verse:
Only be strong and very bold in taking care to follow all the Torah which Moshe my servant ordered you to follow; do not turn from it either to the right or to the left; then you will succeed wherever you go. Yes, keep this book of the Torah on your lips, and meditate on it day and night, so that you will take care to act according to everything written in it. Then your undertakings will prosper, and you will succeed. Haven’t I ordered you, ‘Be strong, be bold’? So don’t be afraid or downhearted, because Adonai your G-d is with you wherever you go.~Joshua 1:6-9

So, what are you grateful for this week?


Ari C'rona said…
I'm grateful for such an awesome way to begin today - reading all these gratefuls and a thought-provoking intro!

I'm grateful for a weekend of travel with my guys to visit my Mom on her 91st birthday. What a treat!

I'm grateful for my new couch and the 'moving crew'!

I'm grateful for the bestest friends ever!

I'm grateful for my siblings and extended family.

And, for the coming Shabbat!
Mama Cache said…
Oh, you do make me smile! Every time I read your Grateful Friday posts, I get a general wash of gratitude followed by a gentle seeping in of one thought after another . . . for this . . . for that . . . for you.

Time is valuable; we all admit that. What better way to spend it than to give thanks. Thanks for the nudge.