Grateful Friday

I'm grateful for life; if it were all over today, I would be grateful for the love I was able to see, give and receive. I'm grateful for love, most of all.

I'm grateful that the LORD takes my humble attempts at writing and uses them for His purposes.

I'm grateful for beautiful souls that are willing to listen to the prodding of the Spirit and pray for others.

I'm grateful that my upcoming surgery is happening at a favorite and familiar hospital, though I'm not used to be being the patient.

I'm grateful for a wonderful day spent with Taylor - what a sweet soul.

I'm grateful for things that make me smile.

I'm grateful to be available for others when I can.

I'm grateful for the laughter of my children, the honesty of my friends and the unconditional adoration of my cats.

I'm grateful I have food to eat today.

I'm grateful for a hot shower with soap and shampoo.

I'm grateful for a little bit of extra cash in my purse (it won't last long, though!).

I'm grateful for revelation and teaching from the Master Himself.

I'm grateful for our Hanukkah celebrations this year - what a sweet time of fellowship.

I'm grateful for modern medicine.

I'm grateful for hope.

I'm grateful that my kids and friends are healthy.

I'm grateful for caller ID.

I'm grateful for whole food supplements (I highly recommend Garden of Life).

I'm grateful for music - always.

I'm grateful for good quotes that tell me that many have walked this road before me.

I'm grateful for the support of friends, both far and near.

I'm grateful for good customer service at Best Buy yesterday.

I'm grateful that the holiday season is over for another can be so stressful.

I'm grateful for Shabbat.

It's the end of another year...what are you grateful for?

2011 was, sadly, a continuation of 2010, filled with sadness, the pain of loss and a desperate attempt to get back on level ground. But 2011 also held wonderful contrasts such as the building of deep, meaningful friendships, reconnecting with lost relationships and learning how to cling to hope. I would say that prayer marked this year as unique; I have never prayed so diligently and fervently for others and situations as I did this year. And even though 2011 wasn't as bright as I would have liked, I will take the position of the eternal optimist and crave, hope and look ahead to a new year with new possibilities and opportunities. I pray that 2012 is filled with the love of my beloved family and friends, a renewed enthusiasm for artistic endeavors that will edify those around me, and a heart that is filled with love and compassion for all that come into my life.

May the LORD bless us and keep us all.
May He make His face shine upon us
and be merciful and gracious to us.
May the LORD lift up his countenance towards us
and grant us all His shalom.

May it be Your will, LORD.


Ari C'rona said…
I'm grateful for the sweet times with the Chaverim this past year.

I'm so very grateful for our times of worship with the liturgy as we reclaimed our identity.

I'm grateful for our times of travel - being fewer this year makes them sweeter.

I'm grateful for your friendship even more as we've shared so much grief in the last year.
Barb said…
"Who is the wealthy person? The one who is happy with what he has. The more we appreciate our gifts, the more sincere is our thanks, the deeper our joy in the Lord."

I read down your list of gratefuls, and I am nodding in agreement with one after another.

I would add also that I am grateful for people who specialize in something, and use that skill to serve others. Thank you LORD, for economy and trade, that allows us to serve each other.

I am grateful too to GOD, that He never leaves nor forsakes us. I am grateful that He has given us His Comforter, both to comfort, assist and guide us.