Grateful Friday

I'm grateful for the opportunity and privilege to celebrate the festival of Sukkot with good friends and family - rejoice!

I'm grateful for thoughtful comments on my blog.

I'm grateful for clipboards, time to organize and a clean desk to sit at.

I'm grateful for Costco photo.

I'm grateful for my daughter - she turned 18 on Monday!

I'm grateful for quiet time to think.

I'm grateful for my new Hebrew book.

I'm grateful that my friend is able to travel to another state to help a friend.

I'm grateful for LipSmacker...especially Dr. Pepper lip gloss.

I'm grateful to be able to use my son's iPod.

I'm grateful for cat litter that actually works.

I'm grateful for young people who are willing to help out.

I'm grateful for recipes from friends.

I'm grateful for my laundry room.

I'm grateful to be part of a believing community.

I'm grateful that I don't have to use my inhaler right now.

I'm grateful for those times it isn't drenching rain when I have to carry in the groceries.

Actually, I'm grateful for rain.  Yes, I kvetch a lot about it, but without it we wouldn't be able to survive.  Praise the LORD for rain.

I'm grateful for my kitchenaid stand mixer.

I'm grateful for my hubby.

I'm grateful for those really great shopping bags I bought at Fred Meyer.

I'm grateful for conversations with my 'therapist'.

I'm grateful for kind people.

I'm grateful for fall decorations on sale.

I'm grateful to be able to catch up with my friends on FB.

I'm grateful that the LORD gives purpose to my life.

I'm grateful for unexpected visitors.

I'm grateful for opportunities to grow.

I'm grateful for Linda - you rock, sista!

I'm grateful that my friends let me chazzon when we do liturgy here at the 'homeshul'.

I'm grateful for taco salad - I love that stuff.

I'm grateful for a fun time decorating the dueling sukkahs!

I'm grateful for Alex and all that he did to electrify our temporary shelters.

I'm grateful to smell the etrog.

I'm grateful for Lisa, Barb and Netanya and their willingness to stand with me through whatever.

I'm grateful for kleenex.

I'm grateful for hugs from my hubby.

I'm grateful for laughter.

Let's all have a great weekend, OK? 

And, speaking of rejoicing...oh yes, let's!


Ari C'rona said…
Love the Sukkot blessing, your artwork, and the song!

I'm grateful for awesome playlists, Chocovine, and for the best of friends!

I'm grateful for compassion, a gift only the Master can bestow.

Stacy Christian said…
I'm grateful for all things local--local shops that sell what I need for home, pet, and family. Local farmers that grow the most amazing hay and produce. Our local library that helps me borrow resources from near and far. Local people that are ready with a smile, a wave, and a helping hand-all at the drop of the hat (you just have to be careful not to leave your car unlocked or they'll fill it with zucchini).
We may live in the middle of the corn fields, but our Lord has graciously provided most of what we could need or want ready to hand.
I'm grateful that I only have to be a "like a merchant ship" occasionally.