On the Board
Commemorate, v, to serve as a memorial or reminder;
to honor the memory of by some observance.
I was both honored and touched to be able to place the names of my beloved mother and grandmother upon the board at my synagogue yesterday. Words will never describe the impact and legacy these two woman left behind. They are both with me still, every day...even as their names stand in memoriam on this board.
l'dor v'dor...
In all generations
we will declare your greatness
and to all eternity
we will sanctify You holiness;
and Your praise, our G-d
will not depart from our mouth
forever and ever.
Because you are G-d, the Great King
and You are holy.
Blessed are You, Adonai,
the Almighty, the Holy One.
Baruch HaShem
I'm so glad we were able to stand together, my friend. I love you.
I'm thankful that you have a place for those dear names, my friend.