Grateful Friday

I'm grateful that my friend, Susan, suggested we be grateful every morning - what an excellent exercise.

I'm grateful for my daughter who reminded me of an early morning appointment before it was too late for me to get ready to go!

I'm grateful for a fabulous time of worship with friends this last weekend.

I'm grateful for yummy food.

I'm grateful for the internet, cell phones and iPods.

I'm grateful we started our new bible study this week.

I'm grateful that my hubby can stay home and sleep in sometimes.

I'm grateful for hot water that flows from the tap by simply turning the handle.

I'm thankful for staplers - and every other little invention we take for granted - what would we do without staplers?  Papers flying everywhere, no organization...chaos, I tell ya!

I'm grateful for a day where I didn't have to go anywhere.

I'm grateful that Morgan tried to help me set up the wireless router.

I'm grateful for loving messages just when I need them.

I'm grateful that everyone in my family does their own laundry...'cept me! They do mine, too! I am so blessed!

I'm grateful for the new coffee urn I got at Wally-World - it's awesome!

I'm grateful my friends don't mind if my house is not a showplace or perfectly clean.

I'm grateful that eventually the weather will be drier and sunnier...sheesh, it's been raining forever it seems!

I'm grateful we can homeschool and freely worship without persecution.

I'm grateful for Curves.

I'm grateful that the LORD loves us enough to command us to love one another - He knows we all need to feel loved.

I'm grateful that my son earns his own money working for our neighbor so he could buy the red unicycle tire he wanted.

I'm so very grateful when I hear encouragement and positive comments about my writing.

I'm grateful that my children are happy and having pleasant, non-traumatic childhoods.

I'm grateful for friends who want to spend time with me.

I'm grateful for vacuum cleaners.

I'm grateful for my clean computer desk with all the cords happily hidden from view.

I'm grateful that I got that silly router working! (and I'm grateful that I didn't have to call India!)

I'm grateful the snow we had this week will probably be the last of it for the winter...and, that it melted shortly after I took photos.

I'm grateful for the sweet soul that told me I have a lovely singing voice (and, I'm grateful for the opportunity to sing - what a blessing.)

I'm grateful for good books, for internet sites where I can learn and for libraries.

I'm grateful that nightmares aren't real.

What are you grateful for this week?


Ari C'rona said…
I'm grateful for those songs that just fit what I need at the right time!

I'm grateful for the sunshine and blue skies outside my window!

I'm grateful for the clean up that Larry did in the yard yesterday.

I'm grateful for sweet times of conversation with dear friends and mentors.

I'm grateful for the coming Shabbat...
asl4god said…
I'm grateful for a job that I LOVE where I can "love the unlovely" and hopefully show them God's love that they may not feel in their daily lives. An honor and privilege I could have never imagined being bestowed on me.

I'm grateful for the gift of my daughter who has a heart unlike any others. Celebrating her birth is never an obligation. Always such an honor.

I'm grateful for the gift of an amazing best friend who is literally my right arm when I could never balance it all on my own.

I'm grateful that I have a good relationship with my children's father. Though our marriage was unable to be successful, we can still be friendly and be parents to our children.

I'm grateful for friends who know, even when I go off radar periodically, they know how to reach me and don't think I've abandoned them.

And for music that God gives me at just the right time that can bring tears to my eyes unlike any other.
pappabell said…
I'm so grateful for all of the above, at least those that apply to me. I'm grateful that G-d didn't die and leave me in charge.