Grateful Friday
Finally, brethren, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute,
if there is any excellence
and if anything worthy of praise,
dwell on these things.
I'm grateful for toothpaste and modern toothbrushes. It wasn't so long ago that folks didn't have the dental hygiene tools that we have today, and I spent some time pondering that as my electric toothbrush quickly cleaned my teeth this morning.
I'm grateful to be loved.
I'm grateful that my daughter has wonderful, quality friends.
I'm grateful that Taylor wants to watch Clone Wars with me.
I'm grateful for the excellent teaching I heard on Saturday.
A wise man once said, 'When you get into a tight situation, and you just can't see a way out, relax. Relax, slow down and breathe.' (my paraphrase)
I'm grateful for the grace of our Master. He is never far from us, just as He promised, even though we deserve nothing.
I'm grateful for digital cameras - I just love all the possibilities they opened up to everyone.
I'm grateful for the lessons my parents taught me.
I'm not real grateful for being trapped in the house by the weather, but very grateful to have a safe, warm house.
I'm grateful for the cozy fire the boys keep in the fireplace.
I'm grateful for modern medicine that enables me to breathe.
I'm grateful for quiet times with the LORD.
I'm grateful for friends who watch out for me and truly care.
I'm grateful for sunshine and dry weather for our drive to the coast. I'm grateful for a weekend with my boyz!
I'm grateful for my netbook laptop to take with me when we travel so I can stay connected.
I am grateful to see the beauty of the snow as it blankets all the dreary, dead vegetation and clings to all the bare branches - simply magical.
I'm grateful I was able to finally upgrade our household phones - the old ones were well overdue for retirement! (The new one has five handsets! No more running break-neck through the house to catch the phone!!)
I'm grateful that my daughter received flowers from a friend who happens to be a guy. He made her feel beautiful.
I'm grateful for the realism of my son, Alex. Gee, I wonder where he gets his "bottom-line-ness" from?
What are you grateful for this week?
I'm grateful for dear, dear friends - I know I say that a lot, but I'm continually thankful.
I'm grateful that I can use my sewing machine to hem jeans now!
I'm grateful for the wonderful sunshine out there today.
Shalom :-)
I'm grateful for the poser that finally came back on in the middle of the night
I'm grateful for people willing to share a message from the Lord
I'm grateful that hurting friends have the opportunity to not hurt so much and to find joy in the day
I'm thankful for night with the bed all to myself. Stretch!
I'm also thankful for my computer chair that is so comfortable I can nap in it. Zzzzzz!
I don't think I can write in this box without telling you that I'm thankful for you. It's always the first thing I think when I read your Grateful Friday posts.