Grateful Friday
I'm grateful that I have the motivation to take care of some business I was procrastinating about.
I'm thankful that my boyz are back home safely and that they brought home meat!
I'm thankful for my dear Alex who turned 15 this week.
I'm grateful for my camera.
I'm thankful for sunshine and my view of the beautiful mountain out my kitchen window. So, so stunning.
I'm thankful for music to sing. This weather is playing havoc with my chords, but we are commanded to make a joyful noise, right?
I'm thankful for my boys and their fire-making skills. There's nothing more cozy than to have a fire in the fireplace.
I'm grateful for the perfect music at just the right time. Sometimes, the only thing that truly speaks to my soul is music.
I'm thankful for the ability to see the beauty around me, to hear the words of my closest friends and the ability to feel compassion for those who are hurting.
I'm grateful that I have scads of old 'teaching tapes' to listen to; and grateful, too, that I still have a cassette player to play them.
I'm grateful for my furry sleeping buddies - so comforting it is to curl up in bed with a cat nestled in the crook of your knees.
I'm grateful for Valerian - it sure helps me sleep.
I'm grateful for hot showers, clean clothes and deodorant.
I'm grateful that I don't have to work out today...I'm sore from the three workouts this week after a long hiatus! lol!
I'm thankful for memories; it seems like so many times, after so much has happened, it's all I have left.
What are you thankful for this week?
Well, this week, I'm thankful for my dear BFF and the time we get to spend together. :o)
I'm thankful for my Jacob - he's been such a sweetie this week.
I'm grateful for Larry - he's been such a support these last couple of weeks.
I'm thankful for the challah rising in the bread machine - it triggers so many sweet memories.
Oh, yes, and I'm thankful for arduous, soul-wrenching hikes and the voice of the Master.
Reading "Grateful Friday" feels like that, and I'm thankful for it.
This morning I am thankful for the Holy Spirit and the evidence that He is at work in the hearts and lives of my friends, my children, and . . . in my own, also (though I am sure I'm the last to see it).
I am mystified, but grateful for a G-d who can see me for what I am and loves me anyway.