"RESPECT, find out what it means to me..."

I have been pondering the whole idea of respect the last couple of days. What a vague thing it is, to have respect for someone and why...very subjective, I'd say. I guess, in my sequential way, the first thing I want to know is the actual definition of the word.

re-spect, n, to consider worthy of high regard or to esteem.

re-spect-able, adj, 1. worthy of respect, 2. decent or correct in character or behavior.

Well, I have to admit that the above definitions are pretty cut and dried, in my view. But what is your definition of decent and correct? My standard is the straight stick of Scripture, but I know that others have differing opinions.

I always instantly know when someone does not respect me, for whatever reason, and I suppose that is true for most. I find this offensive (as I diligently work at doing the right thing in all situations) and have to work hard not to react negatively towards that person. There are some that I don't respect, as well, however I usually keep this fact to myself.

It interests me how one becomes worthy of respect. When I meet someone for the first time, I respect them as a person. So, without them doing a thing, just merely breathing, I give them respect, as I do all life. But, if I get to know them and they prove somehow that they are unwise, uncaring, foolish or selfish, I begin to lose respect for them little by little. This is unfortunate, as it has been my experience that it is harder to re-earn respect once you have lost it. I really don't have much time for those that are insistent on being respected by others, like it is their G-d given right, rather than taking the time to earn it.

It would seem to me that respect and admiration are kin, as well. Those that show exceptional fortitude in seeking righteousness, giving selflessly of themselves and their time, listening with care and compassion, and working to improve themselves are worthy of much respect and honor.

I am happy to give respect to those such as this.
