Just wondering...

Often I wonder about things that no one can answer. I pray for guidance, and receive it, to be sure, but I still struggle with everyday frustrations. For instance:

Why is it that people can be so shallow? Is it that they are afraid of revealing themselves?

Why do some say one thing and act another. It just doesn't seem right to me. I guess they have their reasons.

Why is it that some folks keep secrets they should talk about and divulge ones that they should not?

Why are some not honest about their feelings and motivations, even to themselves?

Why do I always seem to get in trouble for speaking what I perceive to be the truth?

Why do people continue to reproach me for laughing too loudly... does it hurt them? Do they not like laughter, or am I just obnoxious and am not aware?

Why does everyone pretend that the young man taking their money at the coffee shop looks perfectly normal with eye shadow and a feminine manner?

Why are concepts like loyalty and respect never talked about? Or, are they just important within your family unit, but not the wider community?

How is it that some can walk away from a rather heated debate and pretend that it really doesn't matter - we are all still friends, right?

How can we all be so selfish?

Why do some teachers make you feel like if you just did it like they did, all your problems would be solved. Sometimes it seems like they just assume that you are not doing what they are suggesting... like praying enough, believing enough, giving enough...

Why do we think that, if we train our children diligently, they will always do what we would want them to do?

How is it that I can feel fiercely loyal to someone, even though they have no intention of returning that loyalty?

Why do some require you to 'tap dance' around them, or you will be sorry?

Why are young people so eager to be adults while grown-ups are longing to be young again?

Why is it that sometimes I just know something, but cannot explain why?

Why does it seem like no one cares about anyone?

Why is it that I spend so much time pondering things that have no answers?

My brain hurts.
