Hendel lives in Ocean Shores, Washington, with her partner Chuck, her best friend Lisa, and her youngest son Taylor. She is working towards a Master's degree in Mindfulness Studies at Lesley University. Her study interests include contemplation and mindfulness, Buddhist and Taoist philosophy, medieval religion and mysticism, American church history, and classical antiquity.
About this blog:
The ruminations of this blog are just that, pondering, meditations, and meandering thoughts of an introspective, rather curious mind. Subjects will be examined, mulled over, contemplated and thought about. It is the perfect word to describe what happens mostly on this blog. However, in the interest of maintaining sanity, there will be room for photographs, lighthearted musings, travel logs...and of course, Star Wars.ru.mi.nate, v., to turn a matter over and over in the mind; to meditate or ponder; to reflect deeply on a subject.