May His Memory Always Be Blessed

I woke this morning knowing he had passed from our side of the veil to the other.

I had been thinking of him all week. And with those thoughts,  I lived with all the memories as if they were yesterday. I can hear his voice and his laugh. I can hear the piano and remember the friendship that was comforting and always welcome.

The last time I saw him was in our old neighborhood. As had happened a million times before, he was driving in and I was driving out. I don't know if he was really happy to see me or if out of old habit, but we made eye contact. His face lit up in a familiar smile and he waved. I smiled broadly and waved back. He was supposed to cut me off, like everyone else. But somehow he always liked me. And I liked him back. Even in the dark times, he was kind and loving. Even as my world was crashing down, he was my friend. I always knew that he would be there, in his gentle way, to help in any way he could. He wasn't perfect, but in my life, and in the congregation, he was a rock. At least, I felt that way.

It is a sad day for all who knew him...wherever they are.

My heart breaks along with all his congregation, friends, and family. My prayers and condolences are sincere and genuine. In my heart and soul remains the sweet and wonderful memories of him, along with all those who I hold dear from that time, a lifetime, so long ago.

Let the glory of G-d be extolled, Let G-d's great name be hallowed,
in the world whose creation G-d willed.
May G-d's sovereignty soon prevail, in our day, our own lives,
and the life of all Israel, and let us say, Amen.

Let G-d's great name be blessed forever and ever.
Let the name of G-d be glorified, exalted and honored,
though God is beyond all the praises, songs and adorations
that we can utter, and let us say Amen.

For us and for all Israel, may the blessing of peace
and the promise of life come true,
and let us say Amen.

May G-d who causes peace to reign in the high heavens,
Let peace descend on us, on all Israel and all the world,
and let us say, Amen.
