Day 6: The Journey to the Grand Canyon

An early start this morning found us anticipating our travel day to the original catalyst for this road trip - the Grand Canyon! I had avoided the destination twice because of my healthy respect for the edge of the canyon (!!), but now that everyone is older, I think we will be alright. *smile*

Before leaving St. George, we decided to check out one of the earliest LDS Temples. We had seen it from the highway on our way 'home' the previous evening; it was beautifully highlighted in the night cityscape - it looked like it was lit from the inside out! The Temple in St. George is patterned after the Temple that stood in Navoo, Illinois. So very peaceful and a great way to start our day. Surprisingly, the golden image of Moroni doesn't grace the top of this Temple - it has a simple weather vane. This building is stunning in all white, and attracts many visitors. While walking around the grounds snapping pics, I had several sweet and memorable conversations with visitors and workers alike.

After stopping for a much needed refreshment, we left St. George behind and headed to the first stop on our way towards the Grand Canyon. If you don't know about Pipe Spring Nat'l Monument, spent a little time reading here. We completely enjoyed our visit.

Along the highway, we came across a couple of interesting roadside attractions - rock-dwellers and the Navajo Bridge. Coolio!

people actually built into the rock formations and these dwellings seem very livable!
Except for indoor plumbing and wi-fi...
yes, there was a raft tour floating down the Colorado - better them than me!

From the bridge, it was a rather straight shot through the Navajo Reservation onto Williams, AZ, and the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel. We purchased a package that included accommodations in their wonderful hotel, meals in their very nice dining room with full buffet, a vintage train ride out to the South Rim of the Canyon, a motorcoach tour, and spending money in the gifty stores. I snapped a few pics as we were getting settled...

all the wait staff go out to greet the incoming train every evening - how fun is that?
So, tomorrow...the Grand Canyon!
