Quotes, Quotes and more Quotes!
OK, so I love quotes. I'm drawn like a magnet to those little quote collection books and websites that allow you to find just the right quote with a search word. Yesterday, while perusing a wonderful little hospital gift store, I found a awesome new addition to my quote library - squeeeee!
Ross and Kathryn Petras, brother and sister, are great curators of quotes; this offering has 618 rules to live by...618? That makes me excited! They have also written "Age Doesn't Matter Unless You're a Cheese" and a calendar, "The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said" that may have to be sought out by yours truly.
Padawan and I stood in the gift store for quite a while laughing at quotes as we paged through this little book. The quote on the cover is one of my all-time favorites, and completely describes my life!
Ross and Kathryn Petras, brother and sister, are great curators of quotes; this offering has 618 rules to live by...618? That makes me excited! They have also written "Age Doesn't Matter Unless You're a Cheese" and a calendar, "The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said" that may have to be sought out by yours truly.
Padawan and I stood in the gift store for quite a while laughing at quotes as we paged through this little book. The quote on the cover is one of my all-time favorites, and completely describes my life!
Everyone at a party is uncomfortable.
Knowing that makes me more comfortable.
~Gary Shandling
Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence
that you are wonderful.
~Ann Landers
Don't interrupt a man in the midst of being ironic, it's not polite.
~Ray Bradbury