The Intrepid Word of the Week

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I love words.  Amusing words, juicy words, descriptive words, even 25-cent words - they are all wonderful to me.  So, when I found this most interesting set of flashcards in the used homeschool bookstore, I instantly put it on the 'purchase' pile.  A bit of Seattle history and interesting words?  Well, for this Seattle-ite, it doesn't get any better than that!

Today is the first installment of a new series of posts called 'Word of the Week', taken from this most interesting collection of words.  I took a sneak-peek at all the words and history tidbits; they are wonderful words that I know you will enjoy pondering and savoring with me.

The first word:  INTREPID

Fearless, one without fear.  The dictionary defines it as:
audacious: invulnerable to fear or intimidation; "audacious explorers"; "fearless reporters and photographers"; "intrepid pioneers"
Yeah, I like that word. 
Say to those with anxious heart,"Take courage, fear not. Behold, your G-d will come with vengeance; the recompense of G-d will come, but He will save you." (Is. 35:4)
I wrote a bit on this subject before, you may remember, so I won't bore you with a re-hash.  Just suffice it to say that it is a constant goal of mine to be intrepid.  Indeed!

And, for the curious, here is more information about C.K. Hamilton, famous aviator.

ps. I want to post these at the beginning of the week, but I'm just too excited to wait until Sunday - I'm postin' it early!


Stacy Christian said…
Intrepid is a great word. Except when it is immediately followed by "In Trouble".
Ari C'rona said…
Love it! I'm workin' on being more intrepid myself. :o)
Mama Cache said…
Well, shoot. I know it's only 7:25 PST, but I thought I was going to get a new word this morning.

I took my medicine, checked my mail, enjoyed a blog stroll, and . . . and . . . and . . ;-(

I'm gonna pout until you get your coffee and kick into gear.

Good morning! ;-)