How feel you?

"How feel you?"

"Cold, sir."

I'm very, very sad about my friend Rose. Her decisions concerning the cancer that is consuming her have brought her to a place I've never seen - it makes my heart hurt. *heavy sigh*

I'm tired of political posturing by both those in high office and those that surround me. I have a very low tolerance for rude behavior and injustice and honestly, my frustration level is very high.

I'm well pleased with how the trooping went this past weekend, and was thrilled with being able to spend time with people I enjoy in a different venue than the norm. I cannot describe how I feel when I dress as a Jedi - just love it.

Parenting and homeschooling three teens is difficult - that's all I'm gonna say about that. Actually, marriage is harder.

I'm forty-five, feeling rather dumpy and always cold. Still trying, without much success, to figure out how to age gracefully.

Truthfully, I'm tired - but I know it's all my own doing. I don't have to take on so much and I blame no one but myself.

But, even though I'm not feeling on top of the world, I know I have every opportunity to change my outlook, correct those things that seem out of balance, re-prioritize my commitments and make things better. I'm ever thankful for all that I have been given and will never take for granted all those that love and care for me. For in the end I know that I have been blessed beyond measure, more than I deserve.

"How feel you?"

"Ready, Master."


Rebecca said…
Em thinks that you aren't aging so you must be doing it gracefully... delagation....that's all I'm going to say ^.^
Ari C'rona said…
I love you, my dear friend. :o)
Jedi-J said…
This blog is most interesting to me because it touches on so many different places and all are short and to the point (easier for me to understand haha). I think you're one of the best people I know so whatever it is you are doing keep doing it Master.

PS...age gracefully? You look better than a lot of the 35 year olds I know!
Stacy Christian said…
Have a long distance (((HUG)))).
Mama Cache said…
Some people think aloud.
You feel aloud.
That's a distinction that some might not make, but I think there is a big difference between the two. My friend, I appreciate that you've chosen the latter.

I love the way you set your thoughts between bookends, so to speak, in this entry. Nice progression, dear one.