A Few Good Things

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things...

It was a good day, despite having a duel with my sinuses. I believe I'm getting the upperhand, however, and want to continue with positive thoughts. So, in that vein, I submit the following good things:

E-filing the taxes for this year...and getting a little back for my effort.

Ibuprofen - it's definitely a good thing!

Good friends who believe as I do and aren't afraid to say so.

A beautiful and loyal friend to workout with - everyone needs that!

Feeling a little bit more fit.

Marking things off the do-list.

Knowing that spring is coming!

Finding the perfect yoga videos.

It's a great thing when my children get along and cooperate!

Being able to inspire someone - what a thrill!

Fabulous meditation time.

A good night's sleep.

Being a part of a wonderful community.

Watching the squirrels scamper around the yard and hearing the birds chattering.

Two episodes of Clone Wars, back-to-back. :-)

A really good book, and time to actually read and enjoy it.

Fresh-squeezed carrot-orange juice from Jamba - yummy!

Listening to my favorite musicians doing what they do best.

A really great latte.



Ari C'rona said…
A lovely collection of thoughts, my friend! I concur... :o)