Grateful Friday
I'm grateful for sweet, purple flowers in planter boxes... |
Well, I'm grateful for a Labor Day Monday spent with my most favorite people in the whole world.
I'm grateful for fleece when it's not as sunny at the beach as I would have liked.
I'm grateful for yummy wrap sandwiches, beach chairs and friends who capture funny pics of me and my teens.
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great pic, Lis! |
I'm grateful for respectful debate with intelligent friends.
I'm grateful for acceptance.
I'm grateful for now, because no one really knows what's gonna happen next.
"A real friend knows when to listen, when to stop listening, when to talk, when to stop talking, when to pour wine, and when to stop pouring and just hand over the bottle."
I'm grateful for those really cool drink machines in some fast-food restaurants know, the ones that let you make a bazillion different combination of sodas and flavors? Those makes me smile.
I'm grateful for good conversation with Taylor.
I'm grateful for eye drops and breath mints.
I'm grateful for all the things the LORD has allowed me to learn.
I'm grateful for my friend Cherrie.
I'm grateful for crock pots and Pampered Chef stone cookware.
I'm grateful for the sweet souls that say that they will pray with me.
I'm grateful for music that speaks to my soul.
I'm grateful to be a part of a 911 tribute, even if I hate to relive the memory of it. I will never forget and I'm grateful that my fellow countrymen don't forget, either.
I'm grateful for normal intelligence, good sense, self awareness, and the comfort only the Holy One can give. (This was such a great 'grateful' from Lisa, I had to steal it!)
I'm grateful this week is over.
I'm grateful for standing kaddish (yartzeit), and so thankful for my dear friends who stood with me.
I'm grateful for the feeling of anticipation for Shabbat.
I'm grateful for neighbors who call to say they have a bumper crop of apples and want to share.
I'm grateful that my boyz keep the lawn mowed.
I'm grateful for the internet to find recipes when I want them (hurray for Google, for so many things. What in the world did we do without Google? I guess we were just dumb!)
I'm grateful for wonderful friends during a time of transition.
I wish I was grateful for anti-wrinkle cream that really worked and didn't cost a fortune.
I'm grateful for boots with high heels that allow me to stand next to my good friend in the choir (she's quite a bit taller than me!)
I'm grateful for nice weather so I can hang some of my laundry outside.
I'm grateful for the library and free movies to check out.
I'm grateful for Google Calendar - did you know you could sync with the calendars of others? It's soooo cool!
I'm grateful we found the black Angry Bird we were looking for at Walmart. Don't ask.
What are you grateful for this week?
I'm grateful for the best of friends the L-rd uses to pull me back down to earth. More grateful than I can express.
I'm grateful for the position of back up support the L-rd has given me.
I'm grateful for so many days of sunshine in a row!
Always so thankful that you've chosen to continue this "column" on your blog, my friend.