Grateful Friday

Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.
My grateful thought for this morning is that I'm grateful for the wisdom of those who have walked the path before me. Their willingness to share their experiences and conclusions with me is indispensable and needed.
Today I am grateful for HaShem and His provision for me every day. He has put into me all that I need and I am eternally thankful.
I am so very grateful for good worship music and the opportunity to sing with others. I thank the Master for my good friend Cherrie and her patience with my stumbling to learn to read music - she's a saint!
I'm so glad that my daughter's cat didn't get lost when he escaped from the house - yay!
I am so very grateful for my bestest friend in the whole world, Lisa. She is a treasure that I certainly never deserved. I am humbled that the LORD has brought her into my life.
What are you grateful for this week?
I don't guess I mentioned that he is an awesome brother, too. ;-)