It's about time.
"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back."
Coined by Harvey MacKay, a business motivational speaker, it is interesting to ponder. Time is something that is used so unwisely, in my view, by myself and everyone around me. Yet, we have so little of it to waste, as our days are numbered. Too many times I have heard of beloved souls, at the last breath, lamenting the fact that they didn't do, love, say as much as they should have during their lifetime. How can I avoid such a mistake in my life? Is it possible?
I believe that time is the ultimate expression of love. OK, so my love language is 'quality time', if you ascribe to such things. Personally, I think everyone's love language is time. Think about it; when you experienced your first crush as a young person, didn't you want to spend every waking moment with that special someone? What about with your new baby; don't you just sit for the longest time just 'experiencing' their being?
You cannot tell someone you love them without spending time, in my opinion. No amount of gifts, flowers, or works could possibly scream "I love you!" any louder than the gift of time. You have to spend time with someone, to know their strengths and weaknesses in order to simply say that you know them. How much more to know them on an intimate level, to know their loves and fears, dreams and failures. Yeah... time.
Time spent getting close to people and developing relationship is valuable and worthwhile. In fact, what else is there? Chasing money or fame is all vanity, and fades quickly in the face of time. It is only time that trains children properly or shows love to the lonely. It is time that builds trust and loyalty, however, I think most have forgotten or perhaps didn't know this in the first place.
For those that are intuitive, it can be felt when time is withheld as a special commodity for which they are not good enough. Children know it when their parents do not want to spend time with them, as is true with adults. Our environment and culture speeds everyone through; the checkout line, the drive-thru, the hospital. No one is willing to take time...what does this say about our character?
Somehow, on some deep level, I expect more. I expect folks to not be so self-centered and to more freely give of themselves and their time. The people I see giving of their time, so often, are trying to sell you something. Cynical thinking, to be sure, but I cannot deny what I have seen. Everyone rushing this way and that, snagging that parking spot, grabbing those groceries quickly to get home to their favorite TV show, not really listening when being spoken to. When we do these things, and are so self-absorbed, we miss out on our opportunities to touch others in valuable ways. Simple things like taking the time to smile at a stranger, letting the other car go ahead of you, giving up your place in the post office line for the mom with three younglings hanging on her... there are so many opportunities to give your time.
But how about in our immediate circle of influence? Can I listen more intently to that person that wants to talk about their life... again? Can I give of myself in ways that shows my love and loyalty? Can I just say the hard things that need to be said, because I care about the one I'm talking to? Can I give more than I get?
Yes, I believe time is the ultimate expression of love.