First Stickies of the New Year...Brrr!

Yes, that poor baby is standing on what is usually liquid. It has been so cold this winter! The canal at our beloved beach house froze so much that we could throw medium sized rocks on the top and they would bounce! Along with these cold temps, I started my last J-Term at PLU, and my last official religion course. Gosh, I have taken so many religion courses, but there are so many more I would love to take! But, alas, it is time to wind up this chapter of my life by intently studying medieval Christianity (a favorite of mine, really). ************ Speaking of Star Wars, (and who isn't!), check out those sticky note pads! Cool, eh? We went to see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story for the second time - love it ! What a great back story to take you right into A New Hope (Ep. IV). I really resonated with the Jyn Erso character, and the blind martial artist/monk, Chirrut Imwe . I won't say anymore, and won't give spoilers, but I think if you like Star War...