Grateful Friday

Yes, it's Friday. But, any day is the right day to feel grateful. I am grateful for the protection and provision of our LORD. I am grateful we were able to travel and see relatives and special friends. I am grateful for my family. guess who we ran into at Disneyland? I am grateful for all the things that made this summer great: sunshine, the YMCA, memories, day trips, digital cameras, travel planning...really living. I am grateful for a safe and peaceful place to live...and laugh. This sounds strange, but I am grateful that I am not a part of a religious congregation right now. The LORD has me right where He wants me. Praise His Name!! I am grateful for all the incredible, awe-inspiring, grand, glorious, and mostly unbelievable sights and sounds we experienced while traveling. What a thrill! Zion Nat'l Park I am grateful for music and for itty-bitty tuned chimes. I am grateful for my new car. just like Anakin... dark and a bit dangerous ...