Grateful Friday

Today is Friday. The first Friday of the first week of the first year of my educational journey. Thankfully, Friday is a "light day", as I only have one class. I'm grateful I was able to do my homework on my break yesterday. I have come to realize that obtaining higher education is simply taking one day at a time, completing the assignments one at a time and sitting in the seat one day at a time. I'm grateful I was in the seat this week. I'm grateful for beautiful weather, gorgeous sunrises and stunning sunsets. I'm grateful for blue houses, brown towels, fleece sheets and emergency corkscrews. I'm grateful for Marcia, kleenex and free wi-fi in parking lots. I'm grateful for one-way conversation. I know...that is strange, but I am. At least some communication is better than none. I'm thankful Morgan got to Texas safely. Oh, so grateful for cell phones, texting and the US Postal Service. I'm grateful for the gift of sound and ...