One Grad

One day I was telling my beloved on the telephone that I just couldn't take my little blondie to kindergarten registration, then the next day, she is done. A graduate. How is that even possible? No, it wasn't easy. And, no...I didn't do it perfect. But, we struggled through it together. Through the exhausting recording schedule of Bob Jones' satellite program, to hours of collecting just the right manipulatives for the 'school closet'. We endured the frustration of Switched On Schoolhouse computer courses until we finally gave up. Somewhere I found the courage to put together my own curriculum mix. Yes, she was the guinea pig for it all. But it wasn't all drudgery. Homeschoolers have this special bonus of deciding which days are school days and which are, well...not. (Shhhhh! don't tell!) So many times, especially days when the sun was making an appearance, we would forsake the books and pile into the vehicle to see how many parks we could c...