Grateful Friday

So, who are you grateful for this morning? Has someone smiled at you today? Has someone told you thank you? Did someone go out of their way to make something for you, or bring you something you enjoy? Did someone travel a long distance to do something for you? Or simply just to be with you? Did someone visit you when you were in the hospital, or bring a meal to you when you were ill? Has anyone ever told you they love you, that they enjoy your company, or that they care? Has anyone looked into your eyes and smiled, touched you with their understanding, or held your hand when it was serious? Has anyone ever held you when you wept, come along side you in your struggle, or given you compassion in the midst of pain? Have you ever had a friend? A real friend? A steadfast, loyal, honest friend? Are you grateful for them? Has anyone made you a promise, and then were faithful to keep it? Were you surprised that someone would care that much? Ha...