Biggest Pet Peeve Ever.

Does this happen to you, too? You follow the link to register for this fabulous web-group-forum-whatever only to have the inevitable happen - you get stuck in a vicious circle of errors, an infinite loop, if you will, of email confirmations, re-registering, re-login, duplicate registrations, the giving of your first-born, bloodletting, yada-yada, infinitum ad nauseum. All you were trying to do was become a member of Train Whistle Really? Ugh. Can't remember your password? No worries, just request it, and prove you are not the serial-killer-hacker lurking to get into your audio book club. Just can't manage to pull out that cutesy username that you made up that one night while laughing on the phone with your girlfriend? No sweat, just request it to be emailed to you...except that they can't email it to you because that email address is registered to another user. Oh yeah, that other user is YOU! Oy! Now, I can't believe that I'm the o...