
Do what you can, and can what you can't. I'm sure you have heard this pithy phrase at one point or another. I have said it often as an attempt to curb my tendency to be everything to everybody. Usually the reaction from others is an raised eyebrow or smirk of some sort. "I don't know" means "I don't care", and "I can't" means "I won't". This little turn of phrase elicits more contrary response, especially from well-meaning friends. Honestly, my children don't much care for it, either. I started saying it when my oldest was struggling with her studies in the first grade. It was my effort to stop the ever-familiar "I don't know" answer and encourage her to think things through before giving up. The response from adults is usually pretty entertaining; just between you and me, I may be saying it just to be ornery at times, but don't tell anyone. Both of these oft-used phrases lead me to think ...