The Long, Steep and Rocky Road

It's another gray morning. As sleep fades, my mind awakens, ramping up the swirling that has been my life for the past four months. No one can truly understand the emotional journey that others travel. Only the traveler can feel the heart race, the blood pound, the cold sweat and the debilitating despair that a dark, difficult season can evoke. Very few words of comfort or counsel can deflect the anxiety and hopelessness that is the result of circumstances just out of reach of our control. Grief. Recently, I heard someone say that grief is a love word. I would agree with that; deep, heartfelt grief only comes at the loss of loved ones, ones that are such a part of our identity that their leaving rips a hole so deep in our spirit that we will never be the same. Never. And that leads me to consider attachment...again. Somehow, I want to think that we are in control of what we 'attach' ourselves to, but I'm beginning to suspect that we have no ch...