Grateful Friday

I'm grateful for a new website I found that really was uplifting - I think you will like it, too. I'm grateful that my husband fixed the broken light in the library. Now I don't have to sit in a cave while I'm on the computer! I'm grateful that my daughter has good friends. I'm grateful for the little bit of cash I have in my purse. I'm grateful that my daughter is a trusted babysitter, and for the sweet, little 3 year old voice that rang through the house for a bit this week. I'm grateful that my hubby is supportive and can always tell when I'm hurting. I'm grateful for the escape of sleep...and dreams. I'm grateful for good friends that I've made online - they are invaluable to me. I'm grateful that everything passes in time. (It really does, right?) This morning I'm grateful for the ability to get my thoughts out in words, either written or spoken. I'm grateful that Rob has the week off and that he i...