
Influence may be the highest level of human skills. I'm thinkin' that there is two groups of people; those that strive for influence, and those that don't know they have it. Would you agree with that? Since it would seem that I have a rather eager audience of readers to this blog, you could say I have some influence. People read my words and ponder my thoughts; some even going so far as to be looking for things to criticize or condemn. This is fascinating to me, as I never truly thought I was influential in such a way as to change the opinions of others, much less threaten anyone's position or power. I am not a minister, motivational speaker or celebrity. I'm not a celebrated scholar or even highly educated. I am not an important personality of any successful company, business or volunteer organization. In reality, I am a middle-aged, middle-class, stay-at-home mom trying to do the best I can to be a good friend and neighbor to those that co...