Pass me the mike...

Well, the storm seems to have passed over. A few sweet rays of sunlight are trying to peek through the clouds causing a lovely, albeit faint, rainbow to appear against the receding dark clouds. Yeah, take a deep breath of that clean, fresh air. .. Aaaahhhhh. Passover has officially 'passed over'. The seder last night was a sweet success. Oh no, it was far from perfect, but I still count it as a win. I completely lost my voice the day prior, so leading was a bit of a challenge (that's where the microphone came in handy). The ever-changing guest list had Morgan hoppin' trying to make sure everyone was seated appropriately and the chicken was a little on the dry side...but what's new? For the forty-ish beautiful souls that gathered together to celebrate the freedom that Passover so elegantly remembers, it was warm friendships and comfortable conversations all around. I can't ask for more than that. The choreography I created for the passion play (at my fo...