A Hard Life, It Is

Disease destroys. Hope fades. Hearts break. Decisions made. Consequences await. Wisdom sought. Too late. Love withheld. Motives questioned. Trust vanishes. Years wasted. Health ignored. Mortality faced. Suffering endured. Plans slid. Time passed. Years age. Dreams dead. Oneself exalted. Opportunities missed. Others hurt. Left Alone. Sometimes when I write hard or sad things on this blog, I get dear friends both near and far writing me personally worried about my state of mind. In reality, this blog is therapy for me; a way to get out the nagging, persistent thoughts and feelings that have no where else to go. There are times when talking about them is just not enough, though I have been blessed beyond measure with those that are willing to just let me 'dump'. They say that art is fueled, inspired by suffering, hurt. The best art is born in this place of intense pain, reaching out to the known and stranger alike, touching their heart in a place they buried lon...