
So, I have been actively blogging for quite a while now, and I'd like to think I've learned a few things about 'publishing' one's thoughts on the world stage. The first thing is that more people than you think actually read what you write...yeah. This is especially true if you care about the little things that make your blog a pleasure to read, such as spelling and grammar, and take pains to post your link on various social utilities (Facebook, Twitter). How else are folks going even see you on such a huge stage? There are millions and millions of blogs and websites out there in cyberspace, and if you want readers, you have to take a risk and step out there, baby! Another thing is the ability to track your loyal, and not-so loyal, readers through Google Analytics . This is an amazing and powerful tool and worth your time to check out. By simply plugging in the necessary code onto your blog, you can let Google gather information for you, graphed and broken down to th...