December 31st, it is.

Yes, it's the end of another year the LORD has granted me, and you as well, if you are reading this post. A great time for reflection and introspection, to be sure. A lot of things rocked our nation this year, and the tremors are still reverberating. I'm hopeful that things will continue to get better financially for the seemingly floundering United States. I praise the Master that I'm not in charge of where this ship is headed, y'know ? We have done our part to boost retail sales (!!) and with the road trip planned for this coming spring, we will be helping the travel industry, as well. It's nice to think that, in some small way, we are helping to restart the economy. *smile* On a personal level, this past 12 months have been pretty busy. Of course, we all know how fast time goes as you age, and I am definitely finding that to be true. The months zoom by, consumed by the weekly schedule of school and Shabbat . All the festivals are a blur in my mind; I...