Beautiful Spokane

Riverfront Park in downtown Spokane This weekend Padawan and I are heading to beautiful Spokane, Washington, to attend SpoCon , a sci-fi fantasy convention. Yes, we are dressing as Jedi...yes, it will be a blast! Last year I was pleasantly surprised with this lovely town and am thrilled to be going back to visit our Spokane friends in the 501st. It is Lisa's hometown, so I am excited for her to tour me around her old stomping grounds again! Spokane is a city located in the Northwestern United States in the state of Washington. It is the largest city and county seat of Spokane County, as well as the metropolitan center of the Inland Northwest region. The city is located on the Spokane River in Eastern Washington, 110 miles south of the Canadian border, approximately 20 miles from the Washington-Idaho border, and 271 miles east of Seattle. Canadian David Thompson explored the Spokane area and began European settlement with the westward expansion and establishment of the North West ...