Defining Community

Following last night's celebration of the last night of Hanukkah, I am struck afresh with my ongoing struggle to define community. Here's the issue; our congregation is rare. Does that sound arrogant? I certainly don't mean it to, but it is a fact that we have had many visitors tell us this very thing upon spending time with us. We have people contact us from around the country, and the world even, wanting to know about us and desiring to visit. It never fails to amaze me. But, what is that special element that makes us different from other congregations? As I was interacting with everyone last night, I tried to step aside and just observe. I know how I feel, personally, when I walk through our congregation...this is my family, my people. I know them all and they know me. I know their loves and fears, weaknesses and talents, just as much as they know mine. Their expressions and body movements are so familiar and comfortable...I feel safe. We have vehemently...