An Unpaid Political Announcement

After a bit of mudslinging going on within my own circles, I feel compelled to clarify my political position. I would consider myself a conservative; raised a democrat with a mixed voting record. I have always believed in voting for the best candidate, regardless of their party affiliation. I believe that all Americans have the right to vote for whomever they choose appropriate. I support the military and the strengthening of our military. I think there is rampant dishonesty on both sides of the aisle. I also believe that the mainstream media is biased and unreliable. I believe that the secret ballot is just that, secret; no one has to disclose who they are voting for. Moreover, they can change their minds at the last minute, if they so choose. I have never been swayed to vote for any person because of a bumper sticker, someone standing waving a sign on the side of the road or a recorded political message on my phone. Really. I believe that unborn babies should not be disposed of i...