MISSION REPORT: Norwescon '08

we look awfully happy to be standing with a couple of TKs! lol! Norwescon '08 I am excited to say that I have now attended my first ’con’. You don’t know what a ’con’ is? Well, it is short for convention, and this was Norwescon, the biggest science fiction & fantasy convention in the Northwest. From my guess, there were a couple of thousand attendees, most of which were dressed as their favorite character or had conjured up a character of their own. Boy howdy, was that interesting! I helped field questions at the Jedi Assembly and Rebel Legion Star Wars tables, which was situated right next to the 501st Garrison Titan. Those Stormtroopers look so cool, and the guys inside are very nice, too! I participated in a photo shoot for charity, saw a masquerade and preview show, had my picture taken, observed a dance and talked to many, many folks about costuming and Star Wars. After seeing so many folks in costume, I have to say that I firmly believe that whatever they had chosen to ...