In defense of...Star Wars

Well, once again, I feel like I have been challenged on my being a fan of Star Wars (SW). Yes, Star Wars the movies. Sure, a lot of people are fans of Star Wars, however, it is a common thought among Christians that SW is taken from the teachings of Buddhism and has elements of mysticism that is not appropriate for believers in the Most High God (the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob). I respectfully disagree. First of all, being a person of strong faith, might I suggest that a story, myth, legend or drama will not change my faith one iota. My faith comes from, first and foremost, from a strong personal relationship with the One True God, and His Son, Yeshua HaMaschiach (the Messiah). My faith is confirmed and formed further by the Torah (Tanach), and the Apostolic writings (otherwise known as the Holy Bible, the 66 books of the current canon that most Christians read also). I strive daily to live out the commands and teachings contained therein. It is my hope that my actions ...